Happiness Club Questions & Answers
What is the Happiness Club?
It is an organization with the mission to promote the benefits of being happy through meetings, newsletters, and an informative web site, to the people in our community, and around the world.
What is the cost?
We do not have dues or any other charges. All it will cost you is the time you spend to go to a meeting and learn about happiness instead of watching television for the evening. It may cost you your unhappiness. What is unhappiness costing you?
What is the benefit?
This is a rational, common sense way to accept a positive view of life and deal with the things we cannot change. Directing your energy to the things that are in your choice and control will make you a happier person. Happiness is the best self-improvement plan to be a better and friendlier person. It benefits your relationships and the world you live in. It has been proven that being happy also benefits your health.
What can you get out of it?
You can get happy! It also provides you with the opportunity to socialize and meet new people, and form friendships. You can have a wonderful time, smile, and laugh a lot! Nice people do so much for everyone around them, they need to become happy within themselves so they can continue to give to others. It's about time we spend more time connecting with one another face to face.
Who comes to the Happiness Club?
Some of the people who come are happy and would like to meet others and become even happier; while others are looking for happiness. People from all walks of life and different backgrounds attend. We have people that are single, married, divorced, and widowed. We have people of all ages, with a range of age 20 to 90. It is not a singles group, but a good place to meet new friends. We have a mixture of women and men. We seem to have more women than men, but lately more men are coming. Many people come alone, but some bring friends. Three generations, a grandmother, mother, and daughter have come to meetings. Last meeting we had a wonderful couple that were married 50 years.
What is a meeting like?
The club presents strategies to live your life to the fullest. Lionel and Tom and others that have learned about happiness present ways to be happy each month. We have discussions during every meeting. You have a chance to learn from others and express your viewpoint if you choose. The meetings are educational, and everyone takes something home with them to use in their life in order to be a happier person.
What is on the www.happinessclub.com?
It is our web site with a large list of books to read on happiness, a free subscription to our monthly Happ-E-Newsletter. It also includes information on upcoming meetings, seminars, and events. The web site also provides information on the history of the club, comments from people, a variety of articles, information about people on the team, and inspirational quotes.
How do I get a free subscription to the Happ-E-Newsletter?
Just send an e-mail to PrintLRK@aol.com requesting the newsletter.
Why is unhappiness a problem?
When you are unhappy you are at the effect of the negative things in your life. You allow them to have power over you. Being unhappy produces negative affects in your life. You experience the unfairness of life in a state of confusion, you take loss to an unhealthy level, you hurt, you suffer, you worry, you become fearful, you become helpless, and you are unhappy with your life.
What is Happiness?
Our definition of happiness is an inner state of well being which enables you to profit from your highest: thoughts, wisdom, intelligence, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual values in your life.
Why have a Happiness Club?
When you're happy you can increase your endurance for dealing with life's problems. Happiness allows you to make decisions easier, you access the wisdom within you, and you become more loving, and experience peacefulness. Your entire attitude becomes one of greater strength. You become powerful and positive. People notice the change and it begins to positively affect others. Imagine happiness spreading like the common cold. It can! You can make it happen by learning to be happy. You can change the world by taking control of yourself.
Where has the club been?
We started January 2000. The Happiness Club has been written up in hundreds of newspapers. We have been written about in magazines, we have appeared on television and have done live radio talk shows. Exactly one year ago, on February 29, Leap Year Day, the Happiness Club appeared on the front page of The Connecticut Post.
What do the people involved in the club get out of it?
They get happiness. We make no money doing it. We get to see old friends and meet new friends. We do it to help people overcome some really tough times. We do it because we care about ourselves and others. We do it because we want people's lives to be better.
When do you have meetings?
We have free meetings every month at the Fairfield Public Library, located at 1080 Old Post Road, Fairfield, CT.
Where can I learn more about Happiness?
Come to our meetings or read one of our suggested books.
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Reprinted with permission by the Fairfield Citizen~News